This piece was influenced by my friend Vela Phelan. During a performance he placed a branch behind his head. I liked how it looked and then months later while drawing, this happened.
This image is 42 by 42 inches and is the largest in my show. It floats in the frame and you can see the ripples in the paper. From the oppesite side of the street you can see the eye staring at all passerby.
Stick Strickens and a few sketches that I am currently turning into complete drawings. I like to begin with a light colored pencil before making anything to definite.
Boston art and Artadia award winner Raul Gonzalez is a founding member of The Miracle Five artist Collective as well as a successful solo artist. He has exhibited at the Bernard Toale gallery, Rhys Gallery, New England Gallery for Latin American Art, Space 242, and the Aidekman Arts Center at Tufts University. He is currently preparing for his first solo exhibition at Carroll and Sons in Boston Ma.